Papu's Turku tips - winter fun with your furry friend

Papu's Turku tips - winter fun with your furry friend

Are you planning a winter break with your dog in Turku? Or are you new to Turku and looking for pet-friendly places to visit in your home town? Why not ask me, the expert, Finnish Lapphund Papu? Let me show you around my favourite spots.

Dog-friendly cafés and pet-friendly shops in Turku

Cafe Qwensel

Kuva: Café Qwensel

Turku has many pet-friendly cafés. My favourite is Café Qwensel. My owner said to tell you that if they're serving afternoon tea, you should book it while you can.

For the best cakes in town, head on over to the pet-friendly Gaggui Kaffela (or so I've been told, I never said I've tried them!).

After the coffee break, collectors of vinyls, cartoons, or old VHS video tapes should make a stop at Alfa Antikvassa. Us furballs are allowed in as long as the resident shop dog, Litku, doesn't mind.

Dog parks in Turku

When it's time for walkies, Ruissalo is my number one recommendation, with snowy oak forest and ornate wooden villas. In winter, I like to meet up with my friends at Saaronniemi dog park, which has its own enclosures for big and small dogs. In summer, nothing beats splashing about on the dog beach.

Of course you can find beautiful routes elsewhere in Turku, too. If the Aura River is frozen over, you can have a lovely trot across it. I've even spotted some humans gliding around on skates there.

My third favourite walkies route is through Puolalanmäki Park. Humans are advised to bring a sledge, because that's where you'll find one of Turku's best hills to slide down!

Papu's Turku tips (2)

Papu's Turku tips

A day trip from Turku to Kurjenrahka National Park

If you fancy a longer walk, get a group of neighbours together and take a trip to Kurjenrahka National Park in one of the Joo Kodit shared cars. You'll get there in just over half an hour. Your efforts will be rewarded with lovely marshland scenery and (most importantly) snack sausages.

Kurjenrahka National Park

Kurjenrahka National Park

My owner's tips: culture and art in Turku

To finish, here are my owner's tips on what they like to do while I'm napping with the dogsitter. Pets aren't yet welcome in these places, unless you're a guide or assistance dog.

  • For inspiration and art experiences, visit Turku Museum Centre, for example Turku City Art Museum WAM

  • Another museum not to miss is the Luostarinmäki Museum Quarter, one of the five finalists of this year's Museum of the Year Award. We'll find out the winner in May.

  • You can't go to Turku and not experience Turku Castle. This 700-year-old castle on the bank of the Aura River offers fascinating exhibitions, which take you back to olden days and Finland's history. The castle park is a superb spot for a Sunday stroll.

  • Are a film buff? We recommend Kino Diana, where you can enjoy delicious snacks and drinks while watching the film. If you're a student, see their website for student discounts!

  • For a self-care day, your best bet is Kakola Spa.

Loved up with Turku?

Rental apartments in Turku

Turku is not only a great place for a winter break but also a fantastic hometown. If you're looking to move to Turku, check out our available rental apartments. Pets are welcome to all Joo Kodit homes!


Rental apartments in Turku