How to prepare for electricity cuts: 5 tips

How to prepare for electricity cuts

There’s nothing to worry about electricity cuts. These tips will help you stay comfortable at home even during a blackout.

1. Take the stairs rather than the lift

Lifts may not work properly during an electricity cut.

You don't need to worry about getting in, as electric locks will still work during electricity cuts. If the front door doesn't open when you present the key, you can open the door by pushing the key into the lock. The same goes with the door of your apartment, as the key gets the energy it needs from the pushing movement.

2. Make you sure you have light at hand

Ensure that you have a flashlight at hand, as the electric lights won’t be working. It’s also a good idea to get a portable charger for your mobile phone.

3. Stock up on water

Store some water in a jug or bucket. Please avoid using the water taps, taking showers and flushing the toilet during a blackout. Remember to be careful when opening the tap for the first time after an electricity cut, as the water might be extra hot.

4. Turn off electric appliances at the start of the electricity cut

For example, if you were cooking when the electricity cut started, remember to turn off the stove so that it doesn't heat up after the electricity cut ends.

5. Only open the fridge and freezer doors when necessary

This will help keep your food cool.

+ Bonus tip

Energy companies will announce bigger electricity cuts via their own channels. As well as keeping close eye on the communications of your own energy provider, it’s a good idea to subscribe text message notifications about potential cuts if possible.
