How to clean the grease filter of the extractor fan?

How to clean the grease filter of the extractor fan?

Did you know that you should wash the grease filter of the extractor fan every couple of months, as it accumulates grease and grime from cooking? If this grease and grime builds up, the filter may even catch fire when you're making food – whoa!

But what and where is the grease filter? Take a peek under the cooker hood. You’ll see a metal mesh that you can take out. Joo Kodit cleaner Jessica shows you, how to wash it.

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How to clean the grease filter of the extractor fan in the dishwasher

Take out the metal mesh and put it in the dishwasher. However, some manufacturers do not recommend this, so please check the manufacturer's user manual first.

How to clean the grease filter by hand with hand dishwashing liquid

Use warm water, hand dishwashing liquid and a dish brush or a sponge. Rinse the grease filter after washing it and allow it to dry before putting it back into place.

How to clean the grease filter with baking soda and vinegar

If there is a lot of dirt in the grease filter, we recommend using baking soda and vinegar instead of hand dishwashing liquid, as they are more effective.

Put the grease filter in the sink. Add hot water and a decilitre of regular baking soda followed by a splash of vinegar. They’ll form a sizzling liquid, which removes the dirt without friction.

Let the filter soak for a while. Then rinse it thoroughly and allow it to dry before putting it back into place.
